OSMS24 Premium All-Access Pass

Whether you couldn’t attend all the sessions, want to refresh your knowledge, revisit your favorite sessions, or catch up on the insights you missed, this is your chance to invest in yourself and your future as a Scrum Master. With the OSMS24 All-Access Pass you can rewatch all sessions anytime you like.

What’s included with your Premium Pass?
✅  Recordings of our 4 inspiring keynote sessions Bob Galen, Gitte Klittgaard, Maarten Dalmijn and Sandy Mamoli
✅ Access to over 20 speaker session recordings
✅ Exclusive presentation handouts from the speakers
✅ Chat histories filled with valuable insights

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OSMS23 Top 3 presentations

 15,00 Original price was: € 15,00. 12,00Current price is: € 12,00.

A great opportunity to watch the 3 top presentations from 2023!

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